
Arianna Huffington: Forbes List Many Influential Women


"When you awaken each day, don't start your day by looking at your smartphone. Take about a minute - trust me, one does have one minute - to breathe deeply, or be thankful or placed your intention for your day"

One day while I was reading motivational quotes over the internet I happened to read the above price by Arianna Huffington which not only made a favorable impression on my head but also placed me thinking.

Technically speaking what Arianna estimates does makes sense nowadays of malls, multiplexes and communal media. Not looking at your smartphone for longer hours for many people is like a sense of a fish with no normal water. Today have become an absolute dependency for many smartphones.

Arianna Huffington is the Co-founder and Editor-In-Chief with the Huffington Post, a syndicated Columnist nationally, and Writer of fourteen books. In 2009 2009, Huffington was called as quantity 12 in Forbes first-ever set of by far the most Influential Women in Media and as of 2014 she is still listed as the most powerful Woman in the world by Forbes. She actually is best known on her behalf media website The Huffington Post. In 2003, she ran as an Independent Applicant for Governor in the California recall election.

Here is the excerpt of my speak to the lady in the positioning of prominence none other than Arianna Huffington.

Question: Arianna, Welcome to India!!!. It's an observation whenever a family goes out for dinner instead of spending quality time with your liked one's we see that they are deeply engrossed in checking out their emails, Facebook accounts or chatting. Why this habit to social media?

Response: Thanks a lot. Well, when we founded The Huffington Post in 2005 within 2 yrs we were growing at an incredible pace. I was on the cover of periodicals and have been chosen by Time Magazine's among the world's Most Influential Women. I got working hard eighteen hours each day for seven days a week trying to create a business and increase our reach. It had been on 6th April 2007 while on my way down my head hit the place of the desk cutting my eyeball and breaking my cheekbone. After my show up I asked myself, "Was this what success looks like?"

We as individuals keep on following a latest trends technology offers us. Today, Smartphones are getting cheaper so the number of Facebook users appears to be growing exponentially also. The Desktops have been replaced by Mobiles giving us instant connection and responses out of every one spread across the globe. Days past of postponed response getting back switching ON your computer are all over in the current age of interpersonal media. Of course you like instant responses.

Also, whenever we notice that only 13% of electric battery life is left over on our smartphone we get restless and stop all our work and then go, hunt or acquire smartphone chargers. We live petrified of being left by itself without our smartphone. Renowned Greek Mathematician possessed said, "Give me a place to stand on, and I shall move the earth."

In the hustle and bustle of our day to day program the cycles of life excersice on. It's one's individual experience that enriches our life. Well, one must enjoy that quality time with your loved one's rather than being glued to your smartphone. An excellent sleep can be an absolute must for each individual and for all of us to be creative.

Yes, social marketing is an addiction but it's we who are the Chief in our life. We must be matured enough to find the pulse of also important to us. Good Sleeping or being glued to your smartphone all day long.

Arianna, many thanks a lot for the right time you offered if you ask me on your click here in India. Here's wishing you and the complete crew in the Huffington Post All The ABSOLUTE BEST for the launch of your India edition. Our company is positive it would indeed be a voyage of discovery.

Before I call halt for now I'd like to sum it up by another beautiful price from Arianna, "If we bill our devices by our beds we will be enticed if we wake up in the middle of the night for whatever reason to check out our data. And when we look at inbound emails and text messages we have been allowing our day life to intrude into our night time life, the time whenever we are recharging and our rest is not as deep and recharging as it requires to be".

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